Dear colleagues,
The XXIst edition of the EuroFoodChem conference was originally foreseen to be held in September 2021 in Belgrade, Serbia. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Food Chemistry Division of the European Chemical Society (EuChemS) decided to postpone the congress in presence, in Serbia, to September 2023. Therefore, to keep the tradition of a biannual congress, we decided to maintain the congress organization this year, though in a virtual format.
Therefore, on behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is our great pleasure to invite you to attend the XXIst EuroFoodChem conference, which will be held on-line from 22-24 November 2021. This edition is the result of a collaboration between the Food Chemistry Division of EuChemS, the Portuguese Chemical Society and the Serbian Chemical Society, as the organizers of the XXth EuroFoodChem and the XXIInd EuroFoodChem, respectively.
Despite a virtual meeting being quite different than a regular one, this option still gives us the opportunity to exchange ideas and knowledge as well as to present our most recent works, with particular relevance for young researchers. To this aim, the program of XXI EuroFoodChem will feature a mix of plenary lessons, oral communications and flash presentations. Moreover, we will have best poster awards to stimulate young researchers to submit their work and actively participate in this congress.
We look forward to meeting you on-line!
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